Thursday 19 March 2020

Organizer Mariame Kaba: We Need a People’s Bailout to Confront Coronavirus

Organizer Mariame Kaba: We Need a People’s Bailout to Confront Coronavirus

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Many people across the United States are finally facing the gravity of the coronavirus pandemic. On the latest Intercepted: After weeks of downplaying the seriousness of the virus and at times implying it was a hoax, the Trump administration has announced a series of government responses to the crisis. While some actions, such as expanded testing, emergency aid to states and production of medical supplies, are aimed directly at protecting public health, serious questions abound about the economic survival of millions of people. Organizer Mariame Kaba discusses the realities facing some of the most vulnerable people in our society, from poor and working families to prisoners and immigration detainees and beyond. While the virus does not discriminate in who it infects, it will have a disproportionately devastating impact on communities that already faced dire crises before coronavirus. Kaba discusses “mutual aid” actions taking place across the country where ordinary people are pooling resources and offering direct responses to those in the most need.

Transcript coming soon.

The post Organizer Mariame Kaba: We Need a People’s Bailout to Confront Coronavirus appeared first on The Intercept.

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